Black Feline Quills
Your life is an allegory in the waking on the day of the dead
Your name mentioned in whispers vacant community seeps through the air among the tamales steamy photos of poets remembered by the Oceanside inhabitants
occupies thoughts
permeates in memory I sleep with the lust of years
I see you consorting with a Venus looking glass
anticipating presence as defined by absence
why do they wish me think you dead?
messages sent from space colonies about your mission
transmitted from extra terrestrials emits harmful radar opens up crown chakras dirty water genetic
codes aerodynamics
subsumed by you etched in light
All of theses Poems by Michele Salvail originally published by Zaum Press ,2009
Seaweed salad
numbfuck talk psychically retarded flower in the attic spit her out data paranoia plays out write letters to lovers hides them
writs in manuscript form in order to keep her work still
socially acceptable emergence of author of commercial interest playhouse plays no real authorship
questions of authenticity aquafur analysis
the ocean holds every word ever written
the poet eats the sea vegetables for sustinence
12 Virtues and Book VII; Book of Evil and Pleasure
holiness: papal walls oaths vows blessing holy water baptism by fire dunk in the river cleanse the orifices cleanse soul confession or amends proselytize to the wretched
1. Art/ Techne
2. Knowledge/Episteme
3. Practical Judgment/ Phronesis
4. Wisdom/Sophia
5. Intellect/Nous
fear and confidence: excess no special name exceeds in fearlessness cowardly is deficient in confidence
pleasures and pain: temperance profligacy dissipation scarcely occurs but we call it insensible
liberality: generosity money in my pocket in excess stinginess prodigality wastefulness smaller amounts of money giving and getting greater things in excess magnifigance tastefulness or vulgarity paltriness chintziest
honor: greatness of soul in excess is vanity and smallness of soul
small honors: no special name in excess is ambitious in detriment unambitious
anger: gentleness in excess irascibility and irritability pitilessness
truth: in excess boastfulness pretence as exaggeration self depreciation as understatement
pleasantness and social: wittiness in excess buffoonery boorishness
general pleasantness in life: amiable in excess obsequious if for no purpose quarrelsome and surly flatterer if for own advantage
righteous indignation is a sort of mean between joy at misfortune of others and envy